Avon Bowling Club


Coaching at the Avon Bowling Club


For any new bowlers or those just needing a refresher

After a brief introduction to the club, the game of bowls and the green, we are able to provide some structured and qualified coaching to anybody wishing to join the club.  These sessions will be designed specifically to the individuals needs to ensure they enjoy both the competitive and social aspect of the game.


Coaching sessions will be held in conjunction of our very successful Community Bowls events, which have been running for the past three years.  These are held every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

For established bowlers
If you have bowled before and wish to join the club, you will need to submit an application form.  Once the Membership Secretary has confirmed that your application is successful and you have paid the annual fee you will be given full access to the Club’s facilities.

Friday Evening Social Bowling
The club runs a Social Bowls session every Friday evening throughout the season for its members.  The session provides opportunity for both social activities and some friendly competitive bowling during which members have an opportunity to improve skills as more experienced players will be there to provide help and encouragement whenever needed.


New Members

Will be provided with an induction pack and introduced to more experienced members who will provide you with guidance and encouragement during your early weeks with us. Our intention is to make you feel welcome and to get you involved in the Avon Bowling Club community.

Virtual Coaching Support

The internet has a wealth of coaching material available and whilst we do not recommend any specific coaches or coaching material, but we do suggest you review some of the on line material available, always remembering the virtual learning will need to be turned into real time application on the green.  So, a great learning tool if you want to improve your game.


Jon.  Club Captain